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Noncompete Agreement Attorneys

Employers in California and Nevada routinely ask employees to sign noncompete and/or non-solicitation agreements, or nondisclosure agreements and other types of restrictive covenants. These documents restrict the right of employees to compete directly with the employer or have contact with customers of the employer when employment ends. The enforceability of these agreements differs by state depending on the circumstances. As a general rule noncompete agreements are not enforceable against employees in California but they are enforceable against employees in Nevada. However, the terms of the noncompete against an employee are subject to limitations. These agreements can also be used between business partners or owners.

An employer who hires someone covered by a noncompete agreement can be named as a defendant in a noncompete lawsuit initiated by the employee’s first employer.

Noncompete Agreement Lawyers In Santa Ana And Las Vegas

At Watkins & Letofsky, LLP, we provide these services to employers and employees:

  • Draft and review proposed noncompete or non-solicitation agreements
  • Provide opinions about the enforceability of noncompete and non-solicitation agreements
  • Engage in litigation concerning noncompete and non-solicitation agreements

Our employment law attorneys have extensive experience in matters involving noncompete agreements, nondisclosure agreements and other types of restrictive covenants. We are committed to protecting the rights and interests of our clients and work diligently to achieve their goals.

An Enforceable Agreement? Or Is It Unfair?

Courts recognize that a business has a right to protect its customer lists, customer information and trade secrets. They also understand that placing undue restrictions on the ability of an individual to seek gainful employment is not fair.

Whether you are an employer or an employee, the experienced lawyers at Watkins & Letofsky, LLP, can assist you.

Free Consultation — Contact Our Firm

To learn more about noncompete agreements, noncompete and/or non-solicitation agreements, or nondisclosure agreements and other types of restrictive covenants or to discuss a specific legal problem, call Watkins & Letofsky, LLP, at 866-439-1295 or contact our firm online.