Certain employment activities are protected by law. These include reporting discrimination, asserting legal rights such as minimum wage protections, and reporting workplace misconduct. When an employee faces adverse consequences for engaging in these activities, it...
Wrongful Termination
Preventing discrimination claims when downsizing staff
Businesses may add new employees to their rosters during times of success. They may also need to reduce the number of paid workers on the company roster when operations contract. When companies experience temporary economic hardship, sometimes difficult choices become...
What can you do if you are wrongfully terminated?
Losing a job is devastating, but being wrongfully terminated because of an employer’s prejudices or desire to retaliate – or some other illegal reason – can be devastating. If you believe your employer has wrongfully terminated you, you should fight for your rights....
What situations constitute wrongful termination?
Few workers want to lose their job. Especially if they depend on their employment for financial stability. Jobs also contribute to a person's sense of self. The sudden loss of a job can lead to both economic setbacks and mental health challenges. Learning about an...
Can employers fire workers for what they say on social media?
Employers can generally make the decision to terminate a worker for just about any reason. At-will employment laws make it difficult for those who have just lost their jobs to take legal action against a company. However, in some cases, people may qualify to file a...
If an employee is in a protected class, does that mean you can’t fire them?
As a business owner, you sometimes have to fire employees. It’s a hard situation. But you know that it’s necessary. Recently, you’ve decided that you need to let one of your employees go for the good of the company. But the problem is that the employee is in a...
At-will employment laws are not an excuse for discrimination
Most of the United States uses at-will employment laws. Many employees never even think about it, and just assume that this is naturally how the business relationship works. An at-will employment arrangement is equal for both sides. This means that you can quit at any...
How to avoid a lawsuit when you fire an employee
If you run a business, you’re eventually going to have an employee who is simply nonproductive -- and you have to fire them. It’s important to handle terminations with care, both to avoid unnecessary drama for your company and the potential for litigation over...
Do you have to tell an employee why you’re firing them?
You decide to fire one of your employees. You approach them on a Monday and tell them that Friday will be their last day. They’re not pleased, and they demand to know why. You decline to tell them. They state that it’s illegal since you can’t fire them without letting...
Did your employer fire you in violation of their own policies?
At-will employment means that you can be fired for almost any reason or none at all. Rather than laying out reasons that people can be fired, the government simply mandates why they cannot be fired. You cannot be fire due to something like your gender, your race, your...