When you get a job at a new workplace, the last thing you want to encounter is sexual harassment. Such a dehumanizing experience can be made worse by the realization that sexual harassment has been normalized within the company. The attitudes of fellow employees...
Sexual Harassment
What is “quid pro quo” sexual harassment?
“Quid pro quo” sexual harassment involves situations wherein one’s employment, opportunities or benefits are explicitly or implicitly conditioned upon the acceptance of unwanted sexual advances or demands by an employer, manager, supervisor or someone else. In simple...
How to respond to sexual innuendo and “jokes” at work
How do you handle it when your client, co-worker or boss makes some loaded comment that references your looks, your body or your sex life? This is a common issue faced by working women all the time. Roughly one-fifth of men polled by the New York Times admitted that...
Subtle forms of sexual harassment you should know about
There are laws to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and protect those who report it, both on the federal and state levels. However, it remains among the most reported misconducts against workers in the workplace. Every year, thousands of workers, regardless...
What Is Quid Pro Quo Harassment In The Workplace?
Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that translates to “something for something” or “this for that.” In the workplace, quid pro quo sexual harassment is an exchange that occurs between a person in a position of authority or power and a subordinate. You can think of it as...
Why does sexual harassment actually happen?
It’s often assumed that sexual harassment in the workplace occurs because of an attraction between two workers. This may not go both ways, of course, but this may not stop one worker from wanting to be in a relationship with the other. The result could be harassment...
What are 2 common types of sexual harassment?
While people could sexually harass you at work in many ways, the law considers two forms. If you wish to bring a legal claim about the harassment, you need to do so based on one of these two grounds: quid pro quo or a hostile work environment. Let’s see how they...
Many teens don’t know how to handle workplace sexual harassment
A teen’s first job is a big step on the road to becoming an adult. They may be able to fit in a part-time job during the school year or wait until summer and take on a full-time job. Whether they’re scooping ice cream, making coffee, handling the concession stand at a...
Your company needs a plan for handling sexual harassment claims
You probably take great pains to avoid hiring problematic employees. A worker with a bad attitude or discriminatory behavior toward other staff members could be a massive source of liability for your business. If one of your workers alleges that one of their...
Female food service workers face considerable sexual harassment
People who wait tables in restaurants are often depended upon tips to earn a living. This means that they have to do what they can to make their customers happy. While many people who visit restaurants base their tips solely on the quality of the service of their...