Open offices have really become more popular in the last decade and a half. Many businesses have shifted away from having offices and cubicles, and they now offer large rooms with open tables and workstations. It creates a more community-based environment. The reason...
Sexual Harassment
Does your boss have to protect you from sexual harassment by clients or customers?
You’ve heard it all from the people who walk through your company’s door. You get called, “sweetie,” “babe,” “sexy,” and “honey,” all the time by some of the men. For the most part, you turn a deaf ear to their comments and ignore their mostly lethargic overtures....
On-the-job sexual harassment doesn’t have to be physical
Employees have the right to a workplace that’s free from sexual harassment. It’s up to employers to have clear rules and policies that prohibit sexual harassment in all forms. Many people focus on physical contact as the primary form of sexual harassment, but not all...
How should you handle employment disputes to prevent lawsuits?
As an employer, it is your responsibility to create a safe space and work environment. Unfortunately, you can’t always be sure of who you hire, and you don’t know how people’s personalities are going to mix. When you found out that one of your newer hires was being...
Why employers should offer sexual harassment prevention training
Sexual harassment is a pervasive problem nationwide, and it happens in every industry. In the wake of the #metoo movement, employees have become more aware of their rights when it comes to sexual harassment in the workplace, and many workers have also become less...
Sexual harassment victims often face retaliation, termination
You have a right to work in an environment where you do not experience harassment. However, research shows that you may face a high chance of retaliation or termination if you decide to speak out about experiencing sexual harassment in your place of business....
What is quid pro quo sexual harassment and what can you do about it?
When she roasted George Lucas, director of Star Wars, for his lifetime achievement award, the late Carrie Fisher, cracked the joke, "I hope I slept with you to get the job, because if not, who was that guy?" Ms. Fisher used humor to bravely cut to the heart of a...
Five common myths about sexual harassment at work
Sexual harassment is a serious matter, and it's more common than many people know. One Trades Union Congress (TUC) report found that 52 percent of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work, yet four out of five women fail to report these instances...
Identifying sexual harassment in the workplace
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue. Many employees are subjected to illegal and unwelcomed behavior at work more often than other people realize. You have rights in the workplace and can take legal action against your employer if you have been the...
What to consider when making office dating policies
Whether you are a small business owner or oversee a multinational corporation, having a dedicated, yet collegial workplace is critical to the success of the business. You want colleagues to have great working and interpersonal relationships, but you are always mindful...