You know that you cannot discriminate against employees when hiring them, firing them, giving out promotions, setting pay scales and the like. All employees deserve to be treated equally. That said, you may have some questions about specific protected classes. You...
What constitutes age discrimination in professional environments?
Discrimination comes in many different forms. People can face unfair treatment because of personal factors that they have no control over, like their race or their gender. Federal employment law prohibits businesses from discriminating against workers for certain...
Does an open office reduce sexual harassment claims?
Open offices have really become more popular in the last decade and a half. Many businesses have shifted away from having offices and cubicles, and they now offer large rooms with open tables and workstations. It creates a more community-based environment. The reason...
Does your boss have to protect you from sexual harassment by clients or customers?
You’ve heard it all from the people who walk through your company’s door. You get called, “sweetie,” “babe,” “sexy,” and “honey,” all the time by some of the men. For the most part, you turn a deaf ear to their comments and ignore their mostly lethargic overtures....
What are some examples of wage theft?
Most employees do not have trouble getting paid. After all, employers can't expect employees to show up if they don't turn over their wages. That doesn’t mean, however, that all employees are being paid properly. Many may be the victims of wage theft without realizing...