Some employers try to keep how much their employees make confidential. While it’s true that the employer shouldn’t publicize specific employee pay rates, those employers can’t stop the employees themselves from discussing their pay. The National Labor Relations Act...
Year: 2022
When is it legal to fire an employee?
Being a manager allows you to demonstrate your leadership skills in the workplace. You might even regard some of your employees as friends. However, there are some unpleasant aspects you can’t avoid when managing others – such as when it’s time to fire someone. When...
Beware of these employee code of conduct legal pitfalls
A well-written code of conduct has the potential to strengthen your employee handbook. It shares your business values and how you expect your staff members to conduct themselves during work hours. A well-drafted code can help prevent poor employee behavior and other...
Does your work history qualify you for FMLA leave?
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has helped people connect with necessary medical care that requires a leave of absence from their employment for decades. New parents and those with an immediate family member struggling with the health issue can also secure...
Why does sexual harassment actually happen?
It’s often assumed that sexual harassment in the workplace occurs because of an attraction between two workers. This may not go both ways, of course, but this may not stop one worker from wanting to be in a relationship with the other. The result could be harassment...
What’s a coded job listing?
These days, most companies recognize the value of an inclusive workforce – but many companies still don’t realize that their job postings use unintentionally “coded” language that discourages really good candidates from applying. Worse still, even accidentally biased...
Why a human resources consultant can solve many problems
Human resources personnel continue to prevent and resolve many workplace dilemmas. However, more and more companies have begun outsourcing their human resourcing needs to consultants. There can be good reasons for that. As in other departments in typical corporate...
What can employers do to reduce workplace sexual harassment?
As an employer, you want your workers to feel safe. Anyone that feels threatened is unlikely to be as productive as they could be. Moreover, a few unsavory incidents could unsettle other staff members and make it hard to recruit top-quality employees or attract...
Can you lose your job after claiming workers’ compensation?
Every worker in California, regardless of how much they make per hour or how many hours they work per week, should have the protection of workers' compensation insurance. The benefits available through workers' compensation will replace someone's wages if they can't...
Your boss cannot act with impunity
A successful company relies on both its workforce and upper management. Ultimately, every single employee should be treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, that isn’t always how things work out. Supervisors generally have more power than employees, and this...